CENIT@EA is glad to inform the official date of it´s Launch Event at NM-AIST, August 23rd, 2019. The official launch of CENIT@EA is very important for the EAC, because the project, and specially the EMoS programme, will address the lack of qualified personnel in the field of embedded and mobile systems and contribute with the comprehensive qualification of personnel, and an Excellence Centre, which offers great expertise in these fields.
For those who are not familiarized with the CENIT@EA project yet, here is a brief but comprehensive description of it. Aligned to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)-BMZ Results Framework, CENIT@EA builds on the following three pillars and respective outcomes:
A) Research and teaching: CENIT@EA addresses two distinctive research topics and two integrative cross-cutting themes that build on ongoing collaborations, adds expertise from the partnering universities and companies as well as from other internationally renowned institutions in Africa and Europe. Research in CENIT@EA is intended to be integrated in larger international networks.
B) Capacity building in higher education: In addition, CENIT@EA addresses capacity building in the context of higher education in Africa with a particular focus on the use of innovative ICT solutions for distance-learning arrangements. The EMoS new study programme seeks to advance learners’ as well as teachers’ capacities to act on behalf of embedded and mobile systems.
C) Advancing practical capacities in local contexts: Based on a strong background of the African partner in community engagement, CENIT@EA also seeks to impact solutions on local and regional communities in East Africa. The expertise in the different research fields should benefit communities through transdisciplinary research approaches targeting at practical solutions in close exchange with local and regional stakeholders.