Guest Lecture: Sebastian Gärtner (Greenstand) on the Ecological Value Chain

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Guest Lecture: Sebastian Gärtner (Greenstand) on the Ecological Value Chain


Sebastian Gärtner, Vice President of Programs at Greenstand, was the esteemed guest speaker at the Graduate Seminar of the EMoS programme on 27 October 2021. He talked about “Impact Ground Truthed Data as the Beginning of the Ecological Value Chain”.

In solving the challenge of scaling global ecological regeneration technology will play a key role. To provide tools for impact monitoring is Greenstands main goal. Mr Gärtner’s presentation aimed to show how the disconnect of the consumer world with the global rural ecological regenerators can be bridged.

About Greenstand

Greenstand is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization developing open-source technology to address climate change and alleviate poverty through digitizing environmental goods and services. Their Treetracker app verifies and tracks individual trees, thus creating transparency in the reforestation sphere. Organizations and donors can locate individual trees and trade their ecological impact.

Roughly once a month CENIT@EA welcomes an expert for a guest lecture during the Graduate Seminar of the Master Programme in Embedded and Mobile Systems. The experts can come from all different kinds of backgrounds: academia, industry, public sector or anything else. The topics of the lecture are likewise intended to cover a broad field. The guest lectures regularly trigger lively discussions and inspire.